Saturday, 7 September 2013

California (All The Way)

This is an image of one of the Californian Poppies that we had growing on the riverbank at the back of the house earlier in the summer. Photographing them open is the devil's own job, because they close up as soon as the sun goes in. The specimen pictured is actually closing up, so I was having to work quickly.

Yet again, I couldn't come up with a suitable mono treatment, so I'm presenting it here in glorious colour.

Anyway, the post title is another music reference, this time with an indie rock theme.

The previous post - Windfall - was a reference to the Son Volt song of that name, from their first album "Trace", which is a truly great driving record. Yet again, Mr Dart sussed it out.


  1. Yet again colour wins! I love the smooth gradient of colour in the petals and the contrasting green of the stigma.

  2. Hi Ian, thanks for the feedback. You also have the honour of being the first person to comment on a post on this blog.
